UCL PhD Student
Tomas Diez is a Venezuela-born Urbanist, who has specialized in digital fabrication and its implications on the future cities models.
Tomas is a permanent member of faculty at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) (http://www.iaac.net), and one of the initiators of the Fab Lab Barcelona (http://www.fablabbcn.org) project. He holds a Bachelor in Urban Planning and Sociology by the University Simon Bolivar, a Master in Advanced Architecture by IAAC, and a Diploma on Digital Fabrication by Fab Academy (http://www.fabacademy.org) Program from the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms, with which he works as a close collaborator in the development of the Fab Lab Network worldwide with the Fab Foundation.
He is co-founder of the Smart Citizen (http://www.smartcitizen.me) project and StudioP52 (http://www.studiop52.com) both in Barcelona, and currently the main consultant for the Barcelona city council for the development of the “Ateneus de Fabricació (Fab Labs)” in the city.
His research interests relate to the use of digital fabrication tools to transform the reality, and how the use of new technologies can change the way people consume, produce and relate with each other in cities.